Sunday, January 11, 2015

Why barns?

I have been enamored with the humble barn ever since I can remember. Actually, to be more specific, since the age of three. That was when our family of six (my youngest sister hadn't arrived yet) moved into the farm house in rural New Jersey. My mom thought my siblings and I should be raised in the country, where we had space to run, explore and imagine. As an added bonus, we could also have some farm animals. Because, of course, the farm house came with a wonderful barn.
Our barn in rural New Jersey, around 1976. You can
just make out our ponies, Dolly and Brandy, peeking out
their stall windows.

Our barn was not that large by barn standards. It was about the size of a 3-car garage with a second story for a hay loft. The exterior had red peeling paint with white trim and it had Hex Signs on the front! (I'll elaborate on the Hex Signs later). From the moment I crossed its rough concrete threshold, I was hooked. I stepped into its dim interior and once my eyes adjusted to the dark, I noticed the sunlight slipping through the spaces in the siding and the cobwebs (complete with spiders) clinging to the corners. The air had the earthy smell of animals, hay and dirt. Birds would flit around the rafters chirping all the while. It was a place where adventures could be had. To me it was the best kind of magic. And so I paint barns, because frankly, I just can't get enough of them and their magic.

If you want to join me in my Barn Project, sign up to my mailing list. If you sign up by January 17th, not only will you receive direct access to my latest work, but you will be entered to win a free painting(see the previous post).

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Paintings by Stacey Neumiller

Some of you may be familiar with my paintings of colorful farm animals. You may purchase reproductions on canvas and paper of some of my paintings by visiting my on-line store at I call my latest endeavor The Barn Project. At first, it was a quest to document, through my brushes and paint, the barns of Whidbey Island, Washington, but it grew to include barns from all over the state. Who knows where it will grow from there.

Enter to win this painting!

Join my mailing list by January 17, 2015 and you'll automatically be entered to win the original, unframed, painting on canvas shown below. By joining you'll receive direct access to my paintings, along with my subscriber-only commentary, experiences, stories, painting detail views, and special offers.

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Whidbey Island Barn #1, 5x7